Sunday, March 12, 2017

Culture day!!!!

WOW!!! It was so fun doing the cultural day exhibition 2017! Great job teachers and friends for giving all you got to this exhibition. This year`s batch of year 5 consists of 22 students, and we were divided into 11 pairs. The countries were: Indonesia, Japan, India, China, Germany, Jordan, Egypt, Spain, Greece, United Kingdom, and South Africa. We learned alot about culture! especially the culture of Indonesia and the country that we were assigned to do! Members in each country are: Indonesia:   Kayla and Vynno, Japan: Reika and Yui, India: Krishnai, and Gracia, China: Lia and Darrick, Germany: Keira and Arjuna(Juno), Jordan: Grady and Hillel, Egypt: Chloe and Andrew, Spain: Serafina and Owen, Greece: Isabelle and Austine, United Kingdom: Kienan and Phillip, and South Africa: Glen and Dalbert.  We dance, Sing, Present on stage, Did a Power Point presentation, and finally did the Booth presentation. It was a very tiring journey, but it really helped us to know more about culture! So we got nothing to lose, but something to be proud of!



Saturday, November 26, 2016

song writers!!!

In Inquiry lesson, we had to make a song about the three states of matter. We can pick any tune we like but we can also make our own tunes( which some of us did). It was a great experience.  But it was also hard to make it, because we have to think of our own lyrics and find out what tune do we want to use for the song.


Made by:Kayla

Friday, November 25, 2016


In Visual Arts class, we made a candle.The steps are:

  1. cut a milk carboard length(10cm)
  2. tie a knot with a cotton rope on a ice scream stick
  3. put the ice scream stick on top of the 10cm milk carbox that was cut before
  4. cut/break the candles into half (do the same to the crayons any color)
  5. put the crayons and candles in one metal pot/pan
  6. take a bigger metal pot/pan and fill it in with water.
  7. put the metal pot/pan that is filled with crayons and candles inside the other one
  8. turn on the stove and stir it until the crayons and candles are perfectly melted together
  9. turn off the stove then pour the melted crayons and candles in the milk carboard that we did before
  10. wait until it is dry
  11. Decorate your candle!!!

Made by:Kayla

Friday, November 18, 2016

Permainan yang seru!!!

In this game, we have to find the affix of the main word that Ms.Lenny gave us. Example: Susu=Menyusui, Main=Bermain and many more. 
The rules are simple:

  • We have to cover our group`s answer(s).
  • Nobody can cheat.
  • Everyone have to have fun!!!

😝 By:Kayla

Mencari kata

Saat pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, kita harus mencari kata-kata yang berimbuh dari koran. kami bekerja sama teman kami.😁

😎 Dibuat oleh:Kayla


In maths, we are learning about fractions and it`s family (Fractions, Decimals, Percentage, and Ratio. But we learned  about fractions first. We had to cut the origami paper to squares so it can be a fraction.
😏Made by:Kayla

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Math Monkeys Jr.

We had a practice for maths about numbers of operations. The rules are:
  • Can not cheat
  • Can not ask your friends what s the answer
  • Questions is only repeated twice
I admit that it was hard... But we tried our best, and that`s what counts!

(made by:Kayla)