Sunday, September 11, 2016

Technology - Questionnaire - tuning in and finding out activity

In these photos the yr5 students made a questionnaire about technology, {Ex: what type of social media app do you use?}.
The yr5 students are asking the students and teachers permission if they have spare time to answer the question air.

  •  Ask permission from the teachers and explain what we need to do and why we do it
  • you can only go to level 1 and ground floor.
We have to collect data of what type of technology that most people like to use and why. After that we have to analyze our data and make conclusion from our finding. We make chart also from our data.  We learned to improve our research skill by collecting and recording data and communication skill by viewing and presenting our data in this project.  We learned to be communicators and thinkers.
(Made by Keira)

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