Saturday, August 27, 2016

Unit 1 Week 2 - Indonesian Studies - Bahasa Indonesia - ICT activities in highlight

In unit 1 week 2, we had a B.I project. We had to read a story about Mirah dari Marunda and we discussed about the story and new vocabulary from the story.  After that we learned how to summarize a story. We also learned to make comic of the story Mirah dari Marunda. It took a long time but we did it! - By: Kayla

P.E. sometimes could make us tired, but it was fun and healthy. Before we start, we have to do warming up. Pak Chairul always remind us that doing exercise is very healthy for us.

And we also did I.C.T which is making our own news paper with publisher program.  It was hard because we had to put the layouts properly and we have to make each text box filled with words. We have to develop our research skills such as do research, collecting information, and organizing information.  After that we have to present the research in our project. It was difficult,  but now, it`s easy for us because our teacher already showed us how to do it.

           (Made by:Kayla)

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