Tuesday, August 2, 2016


 This week, we started our Unit of Inquiry of WHO WE ARE.

The central idea : Personal well-being depends on a complex balance of inter-connected factors.

The lines of Inquiry:

  1. The characteristics of good health
  2. The importance of being healthy in mind, body and spirit
  3. Healthy choices and Improving my health
Learner's Profile and Attitudes:

Balanced, Independence and Respect


We had tuning in activities for this uoi by watching some short videos about well-being, class discussion and filled the KWL chart.

We also started our violin class, PE, Maths and English.

We worked in pairs to do maths tuning in activity about numbers by arranging the place value from the price list catalogue we bring and to write numbers correctly in numerals and in words.

In groups about wellbeing in PSHE focusing on why being healthy is important and how to get healthy not only physically but also emotionally and spiritually.

We learned about adjectives in English, we learned how to use the adjectives in the sentences too.

We played hockey in PE and have to show cooperation with our team mates, and developing our social skills such as respecting others and cooperating.

In Music Class, Ms.Venus introduced us with the Violin such as how to use and take care of it.  We must stay focus in music class.

It is very important to take care our music instrument and being principled in music class.


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